Funny, inappropriate, poignant, sometimes profane, and always entertaining. They are the collective wisdom of generations. Let's write them down before the echo fades.
( This is a free spelling zone. As Humpty Dumpty told Alicia, "It is a simple matter of who is to be El Jefe, you or the pinche palabra?" )
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Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Dios no esta cumpliendo antojos ni enderesando horonchis.
"God is not in the habit of granting frivolous wishes, nor straightening hunchbacks"
Sink or swim whiner, The Lord is too busy to listen to your bullshit.
My time is limited, so I will comment for june, july and august:
ReplyDeleteCada cabeza es un mundo. (channelling Abuelita Cuca aka Dona Refu)
also appropriate:
Cada culo un callejon.
Get your head out of your culo!
The culo, callejon dicho needs another take. I will visit the temple of Vespers and meditate. Last time I looked, a callejon was a wide street....